Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I've considered blogging for awhile now, but had my reasons not to. What should I write about? And more importantly, what should I name my blog? My friends all have clever names for their blogs, and I couldn't come up with one. Admittedly, my blog name isn't all that clever. But it is appropriate, since it seems that most of my life choices lean towards the road less traveled, though, as Robert Frost wrote, "as for that the passing there had worn them really about the same."

(Somewhat ironically, however, choosing The Road Less Traveled for my web address was definitely NOT the road less traveled, since any variation on it or any other significant line from the poem The Road Not Taken was gone. So, I went with a title from one of my favourite poets, Ogden Nash. A Lady Who Thinks She is Thirty.)

I'm not sure what I'll write about in my blogs. Just life, I suppose. Experiences, and random thoughts. It will likely, for the most part, replace my "Notes" on Facebook.

So, in honour of my blog title...

Today, I decided to hit the roads less traveled. It was my first time out on my mountain bike this year. It was quite phenomenal to be in the city and yet feel like I was way out it the country. Just a few minutes into my ride, at a fork in the road, I saw this young lad (lass?) standing in my way.

I opted to bike in the other direction.

As I continued on...

Like I said, it totally felt like I was out on a country ride. But perhaps my favourite sighting was of this gentleman, just waving at me as I rode past:

With all the rain we've had lately, the roads were pretty muddy. My bike and I both came home needing a bath - the sign of a good ride. :)


  1. Always something to write about. Always a new perspective to have. Welcome to the bloggosphere!

  2. Thanks Kim! And thanks for being a "follower." :)
