Saturday, January 15, 2011

Making Great Things Even Better

Darryl has commented on a couple of occasions on how loved I am, that I have an abundant community of support, and that I am very fortunate.  It's so true, and today that was demonstrated once again.

Last night Darryl asked me to marry him, and put a ring on my finger to confirm the love that he has for me.  (Of course, as soon as I had told a few core family members, I took a picture of it and put it up on Facebook.)  As anyone who has become engaged to the love of their life knows, I was floating on clouds.  So very, very happy.  Completely full.  

That sense of complete joy has become even more complete, though, as I have read the well-wishes of friends and family.  People who truly wish the best for me.  People from many areas of my life - high school (even some I rarely, if ever, talked to back then), college, camp, triathlon, university, church...  Even my former in-laws.  (Even my ex-husband, for that matter.)  Not all these people are invested in my daily life, but I sensed a genuine happiness behind each "congratulations."  Knowing I have this support behind me is just phenomenal.  One of my friends even sent me a message saying that he was blessed and filled with hope because of my engagement.  How could this be?  

Darryl writes me daily "blurbs" - little insights into life.  (Just another thing that makes him so amazing.)  One day, he wrote this about sharing the joy of others:

"This has to be a unique aspect to being human. There is no reason why any of us should be happy about what another person has. We really gain no benefit, do we?   What we gain is something we might not otherwise have, even if we begged for it. We can be happy. We can enjoy seeing the smile on another's face. We can find joy and contentment in seeing others being joyful and contented."

All these people chose to be happy about this new joy in my life, and in doing so, increased my own happiness.  A wonderful circle.

People often comment on how they don't know how I do all the things that I do.  It's simple.  It's because of them.  It's because of the support that I get from so many.  The help with child care.  The understanding when something isn't done on time.  The unexpected cash in the mail.  Driving my kids places they need to be.  Spiritual support through daily prayers.  Emotional support when the days are tough.  The quick Facebook message that says, "Hey, I just wanted to say that you inspire me."  And now, the heartfelt congratulations.  Chances are, if you are reading this right now, you have helped to make my life (and the life of my family) the wonderful one it is today, and for this, I thank you.  You may not have thought much of it, but I did.

There are so many people who go through life without this kind of support system in place.  I don't know how they do it.  Many times they don't.  They just can't make it.  I don't know why I have been deemed one of the fortunate ones who has the friends and family to stand behind me, but I certainly am grateful for it.


  1. Congrats Terri - all the way from Thompson, MB! I just caught your exciting news while on a missions exposure trip here with my students. Keep God your focus and keep pedaling, running, swimming - living life to the FULL!

  2. You had 62 comments of congratulations and 18 likes on that photo of your ring. WOW. Hence why I only hit like.... I didn't need the extra notifications and I was certain this would be a well populated comment zone. You are a lucky and blessed woman. I am grateful that you love ME as much as you do and I hope I come even a little bit close to making you feel loved in return.

    I had lost my cell phone that night of your engagement. I think it must have fallen out of my pocket as I packed up the skis at Windsor Park. When I got home and tried to call it to see if it would ring from some crevice in my car, someone answered!! To make a long story short, I went at 11 PM at night to go pick up my phone out of their mailbox and the first thing I saw when turned it on was your TEXT. I was happy to get my phone back. I was even happier to see the message!!

    Congratulations! You are one of the most amazing resilient people I know

  3. Thanks Kim! Not just for your words up there, but for being such a great friend. I do feel loved. :)

  4. This is a great post. Congratulations.
